Returns and refunds


return medicine icon

Unwanted items can be returned within 14 working days of receipt for a full refund. You can exercise your right to cancel by email, in writing, or in another durable medium to our contact details. Items should be unopened, in their original packaging, with seals unbroken, and returned to the original dispensing pharmacy.

The return address will be printed on the delivery label. If you do not have the original delivery packaging then please contact us.

We recommend unwanted items are returned by registered post. Customers are not required to pay the cost of return postage for defective items.

If you are unsure whether you can return items for a refund please contact us.

Cancelling your order

Orders can be cancelled in your 'My Account' area up until the point at which doctors issue the prescription. Go to your 'My Account' area, click on the order, and then click cancel. Please note: doctors sometimes issue prescriptions within minutes or hours of an order being placed.

If a doctor has already approved your prescription, please contact Dr Fox administration via the messaging system in your 'My Account' area, or by email (please include your name or the order ID number to help us to identify the order you wish to cancel).

Orders declined by doctors

If doctors decline prescriptions, notification emails are sent, and your payment will be refunded. Refunds may take up to 5 days to show in bank accounts. Debits and refunds show as 'INDEXMED' on your bank statement.

An explanation will be posted to your 'My Account' area where messages can be exchanged with doctors. Consultations are structured to collect and provide all the necessary information to allow prescriptions to be issued when answered accurately.

Damaged or faulty goods

Damaged or faulty goods can be returned for a full refund including postage costs. Please inform Dr Fox administration by email at at the time faulty goods are returned including the nature of the fault, order number, and your postage costs.

Please ensure returned items are packaged safely to avoid further damage and include all the original packaging. We recommend returned items are sent registered post. Please return to the dispensing pharmacy. Note: all returned medicine must be disposed of by the pharmacy - it cannot be re-used. Full refunds are given or a repost of the same medication offered, whichever is your preferred option.

Expiry dates of medicines supplied by Dr Fox

Most medicines supplied by Dr Fox are supplied with over a year or usually more until the expiry date. Due to shortages from manufacturers and other supply issues it is not always possible to obtain stock with longer expiry dates.

Patients that have concerns about expiry dates should contact us when ordering.

Dr Fox will refund the cost of any unopened medicine boxes returned after the expiry date, if the date was less than 12 months at the time of supply.

Order not received

If you have not received your parcel we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience, and would like to assure you that we will always replace or offer a full refund in cases where this happens - please contact us.


Refunds usually take 1-5 business days to appear back in your bank account. Some payment card transactions will appear as 'Pending' in your bank account until the payment is fully processed. It usually takes 3-5 business days to process a transaction, although it can take up to 10 business days, or sometimes even longer. While a transaction is pending, the amount is deducted from your available funds, not your account balance. If your bank does not receive final confirmation of the transaction the pending status will be cancelled and the amount returned to 'Available funds'.